Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I shall return!

Well its official, I found out today that I got the job that I interviewed for last week. And since I didn't go in and sign off on my resignation until Tuesday, I was only unemployed (officially) for less than 24 hours.

So now on to the daunting task of packing up all my shit...I mean worldly belongings and getting ready to move back home....with my parents......very temporarily. Its kind of bitter sweet to be moving, actually more bitter than sweet. I am glad that some of my friends seem genuinely happy to hear that I am coming home so that is good. My parents will probably be more excited to have me back once I am out of they're house. And my sister will have at home help to plan her wedding. Of course now she wants to move to Rochester and possibly take over my lease. Which would be great for me financially, but I am her big sister so I don't want her to go. For two reasons; one of course is I just had to come back from there with my tail between my knee's, and two I just don't think making that move is right for her.

It really sucks that I got myself in this predicament with work when I did. Although I was to the point where I realized that I seriously couldn't afford my rent and utilities. Work was scheduling everyone to they bare bones FTE and there were like no overtime hours to speak of. But I was just getting used to Rochester, I was really starting to enjoy it. I was finally really getting along good with my co-workers since I had got to know them better. I was making more friends and starting to hang out with some people and do stuff as opposed to just sitting at home on my ass watching netflix all the time. Plus I really want to go to RCTC's Respiratory Care program.

So I guess in short, This is good bye Rochester.....for now. I shall return dammit!!