Monday, April 27, 2009

The Inga Project

So since I have made the decision to swear off men for awhile, I have decided that I need to take this time to focus on me. And one thing that has been really bothering me, is my fat ass. About 4 weeks ago I was at work and I walked by the scale. Curious to see what my 2 week habit of McDonald's for breakfast every day had done, I stepped on. And but what to my wandering eyes did appear, my weight, 337 pounds. I saw myself creeping to that scary 350 mark, which would certainly lead right down that slippery slope to 400. And it was right there and then that I had my "aha" moment, I am not going to be that heavy, no way.

So I pretty much immediately(ie. the next day) I started on my new diet. No more 2 pieces of pizza at lunch. No more 2 donuts for a snack after lunch. Pretty much no more eating what I wanted to eat. I went straight from work to Wal-Mart and stocked up on weight watchers meals, yogurt, applesauce and crystal light. So starting the next day I tried my hardest to be a good little girl.

So now after 4 weeks of making major changes (and I mean MAJOR for me). I have only managed to lose and keep off about 8 pounds *sigh* I have been exercising at least 3 days a week and eating right. I guess I will have to work myself harder in the work out department because I am totally busting my ass in the eating department. So here is to hoping that the "Inga Project" ends up going well. Stay tuned