Monday, April 27, 2009

The Inga Project

So since I have made the decision to swear off men for awhile, I have decided that I need to take this time to focus on me. And one thing that has been really bothering me, is my fat ass. About 4 weeks ago I was at work and I walked by the scale. Curious to see what my 2 week habit of McDonald's for breakfast every day had done, I stepped on. And but what to my wandering eyes did appear, my weight, 337 pounds. I saw myself creeping to that scary 350 mark, which would certainly lead right down that slippery slope to 400. And it was right there and then that I had my "aha" moment, I am not going to be that heavy, no way.

So I pretty much immediately(ie. the next day) I started on my new diet. No more 2 pieces of pizza at lunch. No more 2 donuts for a snack after lunch. Pretty much no more eating what I wanted to eat. I went straight from work to Wal-Mart and stocked up on weight watchers meals, yogurt, applesauce and crystal light. So starting the next day I tried my hardest to be a good little girl.

So now after 4 weeks of making major changes (and I mean MAJOR for me). I have only managed to lose and keep off about 8 pounds *sigh* I have been exercising at least 3 days a week and eating right. I guess I will have to work myself harder in the work out department because I am totally busting my ass in the eating department. So here is to hoping that the "Inga Project" ends up going well. Stay tuned

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

To Hell With It

So I have reached the point finally (with a little coaching from Ava) that I decided that I am going to take a break from dating and boys in general for awhile. I am going to just worry about Inga until at least the end of this summer. I have had enough drama in my personal and professional life in the last 12 months that I feel justified in just saying "fuck it". And boys are a major area that A) stresses me out and B) I can just ignore for awhile.

So just for the sake of me whining, I am going to recap on all of my shitty guy situations from the past 12 months. Ehh hem:

  1. We will call this one "Jewish Doctor". I met Jewish doctor online a few months after I moved to the "big city". We chatted for a long time online before we finally went on our first date. Sure he was a little nerdy and awkward but he was a nice guy and we had an Ok time. We had a lot in common so I tried to work through his total social awkwardness, and the fact that he drug his feet like he was wearing lead shoes. But then I ended up getting dumped, very suddenly, because he decided that after he lost 100 or so pounds and had recently became a doctor he could do better than me. Great.
  2. I met a guy online that I chatted with for awhile and he seemed like he was pretty nice. Thankfully before I agreed to meet him I googled his ass and found out that he had just gotten out of 8 years in prison, for: Drugs, racketeering, and accessory to murder. NEXT!
  3. A lonely guy that had just moved to my hometown from Ohio that I met at church. After he found me on he e-mailed me a few times and then he called me. Apparently after a 10 minute phone convo (I promise I was on my BEST behavior) he decided that he would rather just sit at home and stay lonely than spend anytime with me. That's a real confidence booster.
  4. Tattoo boy...enough said he got his own blog
  5. Perfect Date guy. Even after my long blog and realization that he wasn't into me, I still engaged in random texting (I know I am that stupid and lonely). But now after several weeks and 2 dates, I really am DONE with that shit.

So yeah. The crappy boys and the unfortunate job situation. My baby sister working on her second marriage and me still single. I say that I need some "Inga Time", so I say to hell with it I am just going to do my own thing for awhile.