Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Inga Project Week 16

This also sucks. I have been at this for 16 weeks in weight watchers, and I started in March. Since March after COMPLETELY changing my eating habits, and starting an exercise regimen, I have only managed to lose 26 pounds. That is so fucking discouraging it makes me sick. If I didn't want to lose this weight so bad I would just say to hell with it and give up.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Life Sucks....Its also a Cereal

I am so monumentally unhappy right now, words cant even begin to describe it. And I know that I am not the only person in the world with problems, but I really only give a shit about my there.

I am probably either going to get laid off or fired from my job that I hate. I mean I should be super happy about leaving the place that sucks a little bit of my soul every day I walk in the door. My supervisor has been extra special cold to me lately, and she even accidentally (honestly she is a ding bat) sent me an e-mail bitching about me. And now tomorrow I have to have a meeting with her about some alleged "incident".

I am starting school soon, which should feel great because I am doing something with my life, but it just makes me feel stressed. I will not have my current job, because even if they don't fire/lay me off, I will need to quit in about 6 weeks anyway for school. And the classified ads are so very dismal, I have no idea how I will make it work. But the thought of staying at the job I am at now makes me want to swallow a gun.

I don't know what to do, I don't feel like I have many options. I just want the ground to swallow me up whole. So I guess in general for Inga Life sucks.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Inga Project: Week 6

Well in the last couple weeks I have been continuing on with my diet and exercise regimen. I have been gradually working out more, and since I started Weight Watchers I started using a food journal and keeping track of my "points". Last week I had kind of a bad week and went over my points a couple days. Oops.

I have been getting frustrated lately because I have been on this diet since the end of march now, and I have only managed to really loose and keep off about 12 pounds. I missed my Weight Watchers meeting last week because I had a migraine, and when I went this week I was dreading getting on the scale. When I weighed myself at work earlier in the week I saw that I had found the 3 pounds that I had lost the week before. So I was certain that when I hit the scale I would see that after two weeks of work I had lost nothing. But much to my surprise I stepped up on the scale and saw that I had actually lost 4 pounds! So that gave me that extra boost that I needed to keep going.

I have my sister's wedding this weekend so there will be lots of temptation for me to just throw caution to the wind and binge. But I have my work out buddy at the wedding, and she will help keep me in line. So here is to hoping that next Tuesday I will see a loss on the scale.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Inga Project: Week 4

So its been about 4 weeks now since I had my big "aha" moment and decided it was time to finally get my ass up and moving. I have only managed to lose 12 pounds total, which people tell me is good, but I feel like after all the work I have put in over 4 weeks it should be closer to twenty. Oh well.

When I first started working out I was lucky if I could make it 25 minutes on the treadmill, and it was about all I could take to make it five minutes on the bike. Now I walk 2 miles in an hour on the treadmill, and I can go 5 miles in 22 minutes on the bike without getting too tired out. So I guess that's a good improvement. In the last week or so, I am really trying to focus more on getting myself more active. On some of my lunch breaks I go walking with one of the receptionist's at work. Of course I always say I am chasing her, because that bitch is like a size zero and she walks way faster than I do.

Tonight I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting with my friend, and now weight loss partner Lynn. The meeting seemed to go pretty well and I signed up for a month so we will have to stay tuned on that one. So for now I am hoping that I can at least loose a couple more pounds by next week.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Inga Project

So since I have made the decision to swear off men for awhile, I have decided that I need to take this time to focus on me. And one thing that has been really bothering me, is my fat ass. About 4 weeks ago I was at work and I walked by the scale. Curious to see what my 2 week habit of McDonald's for breakfast every day had done, I stepped on. And but what to my wandering eyes did appear, my weight, 337 pounds. I saw myself creeping to that scary 350 mark, which would certainly lead right down that slippery slope to 400. And it was right there and then that I had my "aha" moment, I am not going to be that heavy, no way.

So I pretty much immediately(ie. the next day) I started on my new diet. No more 2 pieces of pizza at lunch. No more 2 donuts for a snack after lunch. Pretty much no more eating what I wanted to eat. I went straight from work to Wal-Mart and stocked up on weight watchers meals, yogurt, applesauce and crystal light. So starting the next day I tried my hardest to be a good little girl.

So now after 4 weeks of making major changes (and I mean MAJOR for me). I have only managed to lose and keep off about 8 pounds *sigh* I have been exercising at least 3 days a week and eating right. I guess I will have to work myself harder in the work out department because I am totally busting my ass in the eating department. So here is to hoping that the "Inga Project" ends up going well. Stay tuned

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

To Hell With It

So I have reached the point finally (with a little coaching from Ava) that I decided that I am going to take a break from dating and boys in general for awhile. I am going to just worry about Inga until at least the end of this summer. I have had enough drama in my personal and professional life in the last 12 months that I feel justified in just saying "fuck it". And boys are a major area that A) stresses me out and B) I can just ignore for awhile.

So just for the sake of me whining, I am going to recap on all of my shitty guy situations from the past 12 months. Ehh hem:

  1. We will call this one "Jewish Doctor". I met Jewish doctor online a few months after I moved to the "big city". We chatted for a long time online before we finally went on our first date. Sure he was a little nerdy and awkward but he was a nice guy and we had an Ok time. We had a lot in common so I tried to work through his total social awkwardness, and the fact that he drug his feet like he was wearing lead shoes. But then I ended up getting dumped, very suddenly, because he decided that after he lost 100 or so pounds and had recently became a doctor he could do better than me. Great.
  2. I met a guy online that I chatted with for awhile and he seemed like he was pretty nice. Thankfully before I agreed to meet him I googled his ass and found out that he had just gotten out of 8 years in prison, for: Drugs, racketeering, and accessory to murder. NEXT!
  3. A lonely guy that had just moved to my hometown from Ohio that I met at church. After he found me on he e-mailed me a few times and then he called me. Apparently after a 10 minute phone convo (I promise I was on my BEST behavior) he decided that he would rather just sit at home and stay lonely than spend anytime with me. That's a real confidence booster.
  4. Tattoo boy...enough said he got his own blog
  5. Perfect Date guy. Even after my long blog and realization that he wasn't into me, I still engaged in random texting (I know I am that stupid and lonely). But now after several weeks and 2 dates, I really am DONE with that shit.

So yeah. The crappy boys and the unfortunate job situation. My baby sister working on her second marriage and me still single. I say that I need some "Inga Time", so I say to hell with it I am just going to do my own thing for awhile.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

He's Just Not That Into Me

If you have read the book "He's Just Not That Into You", or even seen the movie then you will know exactly what I am talking about here. This book makes wonderful points that all women should pay attention too. After I went out with "perfect date" he fell off the grid, and even though I don't understand it (I mean Hello the date was awesome) I have come to the conclusion that he is just not that into me. And I will now point out the reason's why, and you should pay attention for these signs with men too.

  • He told me to get ahold of him at the end of the date. Pretty explanatory though not obvious at the moment, made sense later. If he was into me, he would do the calling
  • The day after the date was his Birthday, I sent him a happy birthday text asking how his day was, and he told me he spent half the day on the crapper. If he was into me, he probably wouldn't have shared that
  • I texted him 3 days after the date to say "hi" and I had to bring up going out again (duh Inga) He then said "sounds cool" but when I called him not a minute later he didn't answer the phone. He then texted me back that he was eating and couldn't talk. If he was into me, he would have answered the phone. Eating or not if you like the girl you pick up.
  • He then told me that he would call me later to talk about the details. An hour and a half later I got a text, or "text-cuse" as I have coined them, that he had a buddy coming over could he call me later. I mean come on, if he was into me he would have called, for christ sake the friend wasn't even there yet.

The next night, I got a very lame ass "text-cuse" after 10pm. "shit lady, I feel asleep and just woke up, I will call you tomorrow". I don't think I even need to explain at this point. So to maintain my cool the next morning I sent him a short "that will happen, talk to you later" I swear this guy is trying to make me get all pissy and do the dirty work, and I refuse to make it easy.

So the next night, Friday night, I get a text at 10:45, or as I like to think, after he got done doing something better, asking me if I was up yet. I say nothing and 20 minutes later I get "I am sorry, I am being a selfish ass one of my friends came over and I didn't call. I totally understand if you don't answer when I call tomorrow" So a little later I informed him that "I was out with my friends anyway, I will talk to you tomorrow"

Needless to say Saturday came with no phone call, but a text asking me what I was doing that night ( he had no one else to hang with) and I was busy. So after he gave me "maybe we can hang next week" I sent him what I felt the appropriate response of "if you want to, you know how to get ahold of me"

Just so there is no confusion, I got that he wasn't into me after point number one when he didn't answer because he was "eating". Some girls would see this random texting as "he must like me". But I do believe that he is stringing me along just in case he gets bored or can't find anything better (like that shit will happen ;P). But Inga is no dummy, I know the ugly truth of the situation. And it is that, like it or not, he's just not that into me.

The Perfect Date

Well my second foray into the world of came not a week after the dumping of Tattoo boy. I got some e-mails from a very nice 32 year old single guy from the area. He looked at all of my bad and embarrassing pictures on face book and still wanted to meet me, after exchanging a couple e-mails and a phone conversation we agreed to meet up for a date.

We met at Friday's here in town for lunch. I was pleasantly surprised when I met him, the conversation flowed nice, and I felt really relaxed around this guy. Then of course I had to go and spill a martini shaker full of Mojito and his beer all over him (yikes) and he just laughed it off, thank goodness but boy was my face red. So we had another drink at the bar and decided to head down to the park to take a walk.

This guy was a complete 180 from Tattoo Boy. He was nice, funny, he held the doors for me even the car door, he paid (even though that is not that important) and all in all we had a great time. We ended up having a couple more drinks at a quiet bar downtown and then off for supper (after all we had been together for about 5 hours at that point). The evening ended with him walking me to my car and giving me a kiss good night. So for all intensive purpose's it seemed to be the perfect date to me. Or at least the best one I have been on so far.

Cell Phones and Dating

So I would hope that with most people the rules of cell phone usage on a date should be pretty obvious, but for some people who don't get it *cough* Tattoo Boy *cough* I will now take a moment to point a few things out.

  • Don't answer your cell phone when your on a date...especially a first date. Unless its some sort of a major emergency, its just being rude.
  • Don't constantly be checking your phone for missed calls and text messages on a date, just as above its rude, and shows no respect for the person your with.
  • If you do receive a text, don't respond unless its necessary
  • And if your on a date with a girl and one of your female friends texts to ask how the date is going, don't engage in a 15 text message conversation (Tattoo Boy)
  • And if your dumb enough to engage in above convo and your date asks you to stop multiple times, you should probably put the fuckin phone down.

So there you have it, Inga's rules for cell phone etiquette on a date. Enjoy

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tattoo Boy

So recently I got harangued into dating someone, for our purpose's we will call him Tattoo boy. Tattoo boy, couldn't be much further away from my type, aside from the obvious being that he was covered in Tattoo's, he was 3 years younger than me, had a unnatural obsession with Monster trucks and wrestling, and for whatever reason had a BIG chip on his shoulder about drinking.

So I reluctantly decided to go out with him for awhile since I didn't have much else going on. It didn't work out for so many reason's, obviously his age was big since he acted it. We had nothing in common, and he was uber clingy. I don't like to use uber out there but trust me he fit the bill. The constant calling and texting asking me if I liked him, what do I think about him, was I looking forward to seeing him again. It was exhausting. And then after all of this asking me if I liked him, he asked my family, and my friends. But then when he mentioned that the air was low on one of my tires, I asked him if he would put some air in it and he said "Hell no, you can do it" Yeah dude was a real charmer. He also had terrible cell phone etiquette, but that will be my next blog.

Basically this dude turned me into a dude. Dogging his phone calls. Making up lame excuses to not hang out. Tell him that we should just "hang out and see what happens" And the final straw was the ignoring of the phone calls and final e-mail break up. Yup pretty much brought me down the the level of the guy that we all hate to date. I at least think that I gave a better "Dear John" e-mail than any dude would, but I will let you decide for yourself.

"I am sorry for not answering when you called, I should have but I didn't really know what to say. Other than I just don't really think that this is going to work out as anything more than friends. We seriously have more differences than we have things in common. Our work shifts are so different that we can hardly see each other, not to mention we don't have much for similar interests. I like to go out with my friends every once in awhile and have a drink, and I can tell that your not comfortable with that, and it makes me uncomfortable. But then you were just out and got drunk, and that's fine. And you keep asking me things like am I going to be a "good girl" and not hang out with my friends and drink, and that's just not me. And the constant texting and asking me what I think is a bit obsessive yes, but then I ask you to do something simple for me like put air in my tires and I get a "hell no" which is a little confusing to me since you seemed so worried about me liking you. But that's besides the point, I think that you and I are looking for different things in a relationship. I am sorry if I wasted your time, this is just the way I feel."

C-Cap Is Your Friend

I don't know what they call it where ever you live, but here in Wisconsin it is known as "C-Cap". It's the state of Wisconsin's circuit court directory, and ladies in the world of Internet dating, hell any dating I have found that use of your states court directory can be a big time saver.

Case 1: A few years back I met a guy at a bar downtown, he seemed nice asked for my number and wanted to know if I would go out sometime. So I said sure and gave him my number, then later that night I went on home, and out of curiosity I checked him out on C-Cap. And low and behold this "great guy" that I met has a case against him for 4 counts of child molestation....great.

Case 2: Last year I met a guy over the Internet. We chatted it up and he seemed pretty normal, well after a couple weeks of online chatting and chatting on the phone I got curious. So I typed his name into google (like you've never done it) and came across an interesting article involving him from his hometown. Well I will save you the long story, and get to the point. After accessing Minnesota's circuit court database I found out that not only had he been arrested multiple times for possessing and dealing drugs. He had just got out of prison for dealing, racketeering and accessory to murder (YIKES) Needless to say I didn't talk to him again.

Odds are if you look up someone you will find a speeding ticket, a traffic violation , hell maybe a old DUI or possession of Marijuana charge. But if your lucky like me you will find that you attract the real winners. So for me at least I feel safe saying that C Cap is indeed my friend.

The Date That Wasn't

So after talking with my friend Ava and hearing about her adventures in Internet dating I decided to go ahead and give a try. Well about a week into my little foray into Internet dating I agreed to meet a guy from town that I met on the site. In talking to him before we went out he seemed to be a normal guy, so I agreed to go and meet him at a restaurant.

Well not a minute after I arrived he pointed out that my hair isn't as red as it was in my profile pictures and he has a thing for red heads. Strike one. Then after some conversation about random first meeting crap, movies, music yada yada. I made mention of my tonsil surgery (no gory details) and then I said "oops I guess this isn't first date conversation" to which he immediately replied "this isn't a date" Strike two. So after about 20 minutes of watching him constantly checking the time on his cell phone I said it was probably time to go. He couldn't have ran out of that place faster. Walking into the parking lot he was about 1o paces ahead of me, but he did manage to throw a half hearted "see you later" with out even looking back.

Now, I can't say this is the worst date I have been on ever, since, as he so gracefully pointed out, it wasn't a date. Boys. Seriously.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

So here is just a short follow up to yesterdays post. This birthday was pretty much as boring if not more boring than my last one, with one little exception. I woke up and had a doctors appointment, and dropped off some "birthday" donuts to my department at the clinic so I wouldn't get razzed for not bringing a birthday treat.

Then I went out and bought myself a birthday present. I decided that in honor of my 26th birthday I deserved diamonds. So I bought myself a diamond right hand ring that I have been drooling over for the last three years. When I walked into the store and saw that is was 75 percent off on clearance I knew it was time to make it mine.

Then I went home and made my own birthday cake, yellow with chocolate frosting. Then my parents took me out for dinner. They actually tried to get me to have one alcoholic beverage, but I was too afraid to chance it with any alcohol after my surgery so I had water, and soup....and my birthday sundae. Complete with song and full on embarrassment.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Day Before The Dip

So today is February 4th. My birthday is February 5th, tomorrow, and tomorrow I will turn 26, and officially begin my descent down the hill toward 30. Now don't get me wrong I am not freaking out about it or anything 26 is still young. Its just that now I am on the other side of 25, that happy little middle ground where your not quite pushing 30. And starting tomorrow, I will officially be pushing 30.

It probably wouldn't bother me at all if I wasn't bothered by the rest of my life. You know the no husband and 2.5 children part gets to be a little more annoying at this age. I never finished college like I planned on. I am working an "ok" job I guess, but I could do better. And oh yeah, I LIVE WITH MY PARENTS!!!! I am working on remedying that last one here soon, but you know it doesn't help matters at all. Oh well, I started this blog with no particular game plan or exit strategy. So in conclusion, Happy Birthday to me.

Tonsillectomy Do's and Dont's

So since its been a little over a week since I had my tonsils viciously yanked from the back of my throat, and had my deviated septum fixed I decided it was probably time for me to write a little blog about my experience.

So as far as I know my surgery went really well. I woke up in the recovery room feeling like I had swallowed shrapnel and then reached up for my nose, which had no bandages on it. I think at that point I said something probably strange sounding to the recovery room nurse asking if he even corrected my nose. Which he did, and he didn't lie about that not hurting, I was fortunate enough to not have any pain associated with the septoplasty (horay). But I made up for the lack of septoplasty pain with tonsil pain.

So after having almost two cups worth of ice chips in the recovery room we were off to my hospital room that I would be spending the night in. As soon as they got me off of the gurney I suddenly became as hot as a menopausal woman on the 4th of July. I was sweating like nobodies business and then I had to puke, so that should have set the tone for my week. Then after the nurses got me into my bed, I kicked all the covers off and had them put my hair up in a very haphazard rubber band pony tail to help me cool off.

Then after that they brought me my pain medication it was a liquid narcotic called Roxicet and it was my savior, especially considering that I just threw know after tonsil surgery...stomach acid, open wound, you get the picture it hurt like hell. Then it was time to parade my family in, and for me to pass out. Around ten after my parents left (and several doses of pain meds later) it was time for me to go to the bathroom and clean up for the night. Now mind you I was under the impression that I would get a little help since I was drugged up with an IV in my arm, but I thought wrong.

So I was put in the bathroom with a "bath in a bag" and left to my own devices to clean up and change into a new gown. Ok, no big deal. The cleaning up went slow, but it was ok. And then it was time to put a gown on. Now they handed me a gown that had none of the sleeve snaps done up so I had to snap them together. And I had an IV in my arm, so its not like I could just slip my arm into it. So I crack the bathroom door to look for help. No help in sight. So I stick my arm in there and try to button it up while holding it up with my teeth and trying to stay in the upright and locked position. So finally after about 5 minutes I managed to figure my gown out and went out to tuck myself into bed.

The nice RN came into my room and slipped a little Demerol into my IV. Oh sweet demerol how I love you, it made me fall right asleep. So the night went pretty well I just had to get up about every two hours to pee (constant IV fluids will do that) and get new ice for the ice packs on my neck.

So skip the boring shit, night went fine yada yada. Woke up and got flowers from my co workers blah blah. Then they brought me scrambled eggs and hash browns for breakfast. HELLO I just had my tonsils out and you want me to eat that?!?!? I tried half heartedly a couple eggs, then I made the nurse bring me jello. Later after I had chocked down lunch (scalloped potatoes and ham). The nice nurse lady went to give me one last dose of demerol to make my drive home comfortable. As soon as she finished putting it in, it was like WHAM, suddenly I jerked upright and thought for sure I was about to puke again. But then nothing happend, and they sent me home about a half hour later. Lesson learned here: Demerol not always my friend.

So on the car ride home, I managed to throw up three times, thank god they sent me with a puke bag. When I got home, it was time for more Roxicet, sweet roxicet. However after taking it and a short nap I started what would become the longest night of my life. I threw up more Wednesday night then I think I have thrown up in my whole life. Any attempt to have any food or water was immediately thwarted with me puking. So naturally I became very dehydrated and got a wicked headache.

By that point my sore throat was not my big issue, it was the puking and the headache. So after that my mother called the hospital and spoke to the ENT on call. Now this genius thought that making me take suppositories was going to stop me from throwing up. So after my dad got back from the drug store, I had to assume the position to add insult to injury and have my mother shove a little bullet up my ass ( which burned like hell by the way). Well much to my not amazement the little suppository didn't do shit, so it was off to the emergency room.

When I got there much to my disappointment the worst ER doc ever was on duty. I know this since I work for the hospital and I have worked with him in the past, he thinks everyone is a drug seeker, and has had more complaints then any other provider in the system (good guy). Well luckily my uncle the nurse practitioner that works in the hospital had called ahead and talked to him, so I had no problems at all. So three bags of IV fluids and some anti nausea meds later I went home.

So I spent the rest of my recovery time taking kids tylenol for the tonsillectomy pain. Kids tylenol. KIDS TYLENOL!!! That's like putting a band aid on a bullet wound. But since the good stuff made me puke my guts out (even looking at the bottle makes my stomach flip) that's what I had to work with.

Well that concludes the interesting part of my story, so I wont bore with anymore details. Here is Inga's list of Tonsillectomy Do's and Dont's

  1. Don't over-do the ice chips in the recovery room
  2. Do ask for help when its time for a new gown
  3. Demerol is not your friend
  4. Don't eat scrambled eggs for your first meal
  5. Don't take the roxicet, its not worth it
  6. Do get the junior strength dissolving tylenol tabs they are bubble gum flavored
  7. Don't let anyone talk you into using a suppository for nausea
  8. Do use the ice bags on your neck it helps

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Three types of Showers

So I have decided that there are three types of showers that we all take (thanks Ava for reminding me this weekend).

The Quick Shower- That "oh shit" quick shower that you take when you wake up 15 minutes before you have to be somewhere and your already running late. Your lucky if the soap is rinsed off and you remember to wash your hair.

The Normal Shower- The shower that you would regularly take, doing your normal washing, shampooing and yada yada.

And Finally....

The Sex Shower- That shower that you take when you even think that you might be getting some action. You clean every nook and cranny. You leave no "stone" unturned. No leg or arm pit hair unshaven. Bikini line manicured like the white house lawn. The shower to end all showers, you may even spend so much time in there you come out wrinkled... but very clean.

So that is my take on personal hygiene. Enjoy.

Christmas as You Get Older

So I have noticed gradually over the years that the older you get Christmas just gets a little bit more boring. You have those really young "hooray I got a barbie" years. Then you get older and its CD's and DVD's; and other such electronic goodies.

But then this magical thing happens after you turn 18, and it keeps getting worse as you get older. Suddenly you find yourself asking for housewares and gift cards to Wal-Mart, to buy more stuff for the home. I went from getting a new Walkman (yes I am that old) to getting a microwave, and pots & pans. One year I was just giddy over Teflon coated air bake pans and new sheets for my bed.

So this year, I got a new coffee maker, a george forman grill ( with removable plates) and a new feather bed!! My younger cousin's keep asking me why I want and get such "boring" stuff for Christmas, and I keep telling them "wait and see".

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mobile Maven

So since I have all my bills paid off, and I am living with my parents....and I am almost 26; I decided that since I am living with mom and dad I may as well start to put money aside for a down payment on a house, or in my case maybe a house on wheels.

I have been thinking about it, and I could either buy a little crappy house, or like the nicest trailer in the park. For about $80,000 I can have a "cozy bungalow" in a questionable neighborhood. And for $40,000 I can have one of the nicest "homes" in Kingsfield Estates (sounds good I know, but if you live here you know its a trailer park). My sister laughed at me and said I would be "trailor trash", but I say nay nay.

If I do end up buying a mobile home, it will be a very nice one, with a jaccuzi tub, newer appliances and hardwood flooring (the one I am looking at has it). Not a little old one with rust on it that you could buy for around $7,000. No folks if I end up purchasing a trailer, I will not be trailer trash, I will be a mobile maven!

Happy New Year?

Wow I just realized that its been waaay to long since I have written a blog. But fear not you one or two people that ever read this, I will catch you up on all of the not exciting goings on in the life of Inga. I am having a tonsillectomy and a deviated septum repair here in a couple of weeks. So we can look forward to blogs I can write in a hydracodone induced haze.

So in December I finally got my apartment in the "big city" re-rented. After I posted several ads in craigslist and on other online classifieds, I am reasonably certain that they went ahead and filled the 4 other open one bedrooms before they filled mine ( those bastards). But on a happy note, I am now paying A LOT of money towards bills that I owe, so that's all good.

New Years eve just gets less and less fun every year. I mean I am only 25 so its not like I am ancient but sometimes I feel ancient. Like on New Years eve this year, we gathered at a friends house and watched Dick Clark's rockin new years eve and wondered who Ryan Seacrest and Kellie Pickler had to blow to get on the show. Poor Dick Clark, he must be so embarrassed to see what used to be an eeehhh alright new years eve program turn to crap with Seacrest. I mean honestly, doesn't that tool have enough jobs? Why not have Gary Busey run it? At least then we could laugh at him because he is bat-shit crazy. And maybe they could arrange for some performers that cater to the over 17 crowd?

Anywho, bitching about sub-par New Years Eve entertainment aside, after watching the ball drop at 11PM my time, we decided that we should probably make an appearance at a bar. So we went to the only bar we could handle on a big night like that, a martini bar. After sitting around for about a half hour and drinking our complementary midnight champagne, we decided that we were all way to tired to stay out any later and headed out for the night. Not without making a quick stop at the gay bar to say hi to some people, and further affirm that unfortunately I am just too old for this shit. At least on a work day....