Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Inga Project: Week 4

So its been about 4 weeks now since I had my big "aha" moment and decided it was time to finally get my ass up and moving. I have only managed to lose 12 pounds total, which people tell me is good, but I feel like after all the work I have put in over 4 weeks it should be closer to twenty. Oh well.

When I first started working out I was lucky if I could make it 25 minutes on the treadmill, and it was about all I could take to make it five minutes on the bike. Now I walk 2 miles in an hour on the treadmill, and I can go 5 miles in 22 minutes on the bike without getting too tired out. So I guess that's a good improvement. In the last week or so, I am really trying to focus more on getting myself more active. On some of my lunch breaks I go walking with one of the receptionist's at work. Of course I always say I am chasing her, because that bitch is like a size zero and she walks way faster than I do.

Tonight I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting with my friend, and now weight loss partner Lynn. The meeting seemed to go pretty well and I signed up for a month so we will have to stay tuned on that one. So for now I am hoping that I can at least loose a couple more pounds by next week.