Monday, March 16, 2009

C-Cap Is Your Friend

I don't know what they call it where ever you live, but here in Wisconsin it is known as "C-Cap". It's the state of Wisconsin's circuit court directory, and ladies in the world of Internet dating, hell any dating I have found that use of your states court directory can be a big time saver.

Case 1: A few years back I met a guy at a bar downtown, he seemed nice asked for my number and wanted to know if I would go out sometime. So I said sure and gave him my number, then later that night I went on home, and out of curiosity I checked him out on C-Cap. And low and behold this "great guy" that I met has a case against him for 4 counts of child molestation....great.

Case 2: Last year I met a guy over the Internet. We chatted it up and he seemed pretty normal, well after a couple weeks of online chatting and chatting on the phone I got curious. So I typed his name into google (like you've never done it) and came across an interesting article involving him from his hometown. Well I will save you the long story, and get to the point. After accessing Minnesota's circuit court database I found out that not only had he been arrested multiple times for possessing and dealing drugs. He had just got out of prison for dealing, racketeering and accessory to murder (YIKES) Needless to say I didn't talk to him again.

Odds are if you look up someone you will find a speeding ticket, a traffic violation , hell maybe a old DUI or possession of Marijuana charge. But if your lucky like me you will find that you attract the real winners. So for me at least I feel safe saying that C Cap is indeed my friend.