Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Should I stay or should I go now

So for my very first blog post, I could bore you with some explanation or speech about why I decided to start blogging. Or what I want to talk about blah blah, the truth is I started this thing because I am bored and don't have many people to talk with. Now moving on.

I made the big decision a few months ago to finally put on my big girl panties and move away from my hometown to a bigger better town for a new job. Now since I am a self admitted chicken shit when it comes to anything new and scary, I had lots and LOTS of doubts about taking the chance to come here. I quit a decent job, I had a nice apartment and all my friends are there. But for the first time in my life I thought "what the hell" and I made my move.

Well now as it seems one of my biggest fears about moving here seems to be coming true. I have had some struggles with the new job, and made a few mistakes. And now I have myself to the point where at this very moment I don't know if I will have my job yet tomorrow. So naturally my inner chicken shit is rearing its ugly head.

So if I do end up losing my job what will I do? Try to find something else here and stick it out in the city I am finally getting used to? Or should I run home with my tail between my knees; mind you with no job or place to live so I would be moving back in with my parents for awhile (icky). Really I am damned if I do and damned if I don't, because if I don't get fired I am at the point where one more little mistake would get me fired.

So really either way I need to be looking for a different job. And now the question remains, should I stay or should I go?